Merry Christmas from Ace Jackalope

Ace Jackalope and his entourage wish you a merry Christmas, filled with whatever brings you peace, stability and joy.
The automated nativity above is part of a display at Mike Babick's house in Prairie Village, Kansas, near Kansas City.

Cut-out figures inhabit the roof.

Babick collects and restores old Christmas automations.

A view into the garage reveals Santa's workshop.

Almost all of these figures are automated.

A canine ice cream vendor watches another dog dance.

Babick tells me how he'd like to decapitate Ace and motorize him. Ace had no comment.

A few days ago, we paid a visit to Lemon Park in Pratt, Kansas.

Fake hoofprints complement lighted moose and deer.

In some small way, be you adult or child, may you experience wonder today.

and to you and ace. wonderful final shot.
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