More Easter Stuff
Easter weekend is here, and I thought I'd toss in a few things that relate to the more popular Easter-time stuff I've posted.

Of course, Ace had a little adventure with Easter confections last year, and that's been popular.

Before that, he'd shown a not entirely socially acceptable attitude toward the decoration of Easter Eggs.

However, I compensated by showing how it's done in a feature on an artist who does pysanky eggs.

We looked at death, and confirmed what every man knows - she's a woman, at least according to the Penitente Brotherhood.

I previously shared my life-long fascination with images inspired by the enigmatic stone heads (moai) of Easter Island, and since then, I've encountered a few more. Last fall, in a post called Northwest Tiki, I detailed a visit to Seattle and Portland. While there, I paid a visit to Seattle's lowbrow art gallery, Roq La Rue, and saw an art show called Tiki Art Now. This moai lamp base is not listed in the program, however an employee of the gallery tells me it was made by Seattle artist John Hawkley.

A couple days later, we checked out Portland's vintage tiki restaurant and bar, The Alibi, where these moai-esque beauties light the way.

The Alibi also has this cool moai-inspired fountain.

Last October, I finally got to photograph a real Easter Island moai, although quite out of its original context.

The islanders of Rapa Nui apparently called this moai "Hoa Hakananai'a." The crew of the HMS Topaze, which collected it in 1868, thought the name meant "Stolen or Hidden Friend." It is now in the British Museum in London; read about it here.

The crew of the Topaze reported that the statue was originally painted red and white, but that the pigment was washed off by seawater during its transportation. There is a book available on the expedition called "Remote Possibilities: Hoa Hakananai'a and HMS Topaze on Rapa Nui."

I was particularly delighted in that this moai has inscriptions on the back, though they may have been added much after its creation.

According to the British Museum, "the back of the head shows a bird flanked by ceremonial paddles. The centre of the back is carved with a 'ring and girdle' motif, as carved on many wooden figures from Easter Island."

I'm curious about what appears to be a face - a moai face, at that - inscribed at the upper right.
There is nice commentary on the statue here and here. And in case you are wondering why I choose Easter to note moai stuff, Easter Island takes it's name from the fact that it was "discovered" by a Dutch ship on Easter day of 1722.

Before leaving London, I paid a visit to Trader Vic's, where I lusted over the moai-legged bowl at top in this photo, but its cost was 30 pounds. Since that'd have been about $60, I didn't bring one home.

Last month, I was able to shoot a better photograph than I had before of a moai statue at The Drift, a tiki bar in Scottsdale, AZ

As for bigger testaments to the public's one-time love and current subculture interest in the heads of Easter Island, I think the moai at Magic Carpet Golf in Tucson, AZ, is a grand statement.

According to Kelly, who has worked there for several years, the railing at top was installed after a 1968 suicide. She says a man jumped after his girlfriend broke up with him. There are so many things that could be said about that, but I'll leave it alone

A long stairway leads to the top.

You can even pause to look out the moai's nose.

This is the view north from the top of the moai. The course is for sale; however, local business community members tell me that the price being asked places the property in no immediate danger of sale.
(Update, February 5, 2008: Magic Carpet Golf has been sold to a car dealer and is closed. The future of its obstacles is in question.)

And finally, victory is mine! Or at least an Nth-generation Trader Vic's moai bowl is mine. I stopped into Scottsdale's Trader Vic's a bit over two weeks ago and made a deal for this bowl at $30 - half the cost of the one in London I'd regretted not getting.
Happy Easter to all of us! - See ya with another post tomorrow.
For more London stuff, see other posts from our An American Jackalope In London series:
More Easter Stuff - Easter Island moai (stone statue) in The British Museum
Good Friday - Crucifix tombstone in Highgate Cemetery and a crucifix at a church in London.
St Patrick's Day Megapost - Celtic crosses in London's Highgate Cemetery.
Red, Gold and Almost Gone - Includes photos of London's Chinatown.
Why Jackalopes Don't Play Soccer - Battered Buckyballs litter London.
Christmas Leftovers - An October shopping trip through Harrods, Selfridges and Hamley's, with lots of Christmas decor pictures.
Spamalot - We go to the Monty Python-based play and meet Tim Curry
London Trader Vic's - A visit to London's oldest tiki bar
Where is Ace Jackalope? (episode 13) - The game is afoot!
Werelopes of London - Lycanthopic jackalopes stalk places mentioned in the Warren Zevon song, plus a few pictures of the London Underground.
Dracula's London - A Halloween tribute to Bram Stoker using London locales implied in "Dracula"
Where is Ace Jackalope? (episode 9) - Mind the Gap

Of course, Ace had a little adventure with Easter confections last year, and that's been popular.

Before that, he'd shown a not entirely socially acceptable attitude toward the decoration of Easter Eggs.

However, I compensated by showing how it's done in a feature on an artist who does pysanky eggs.

We looked at death, and confirmed what every man knows - she's a woman, at least according to the Penitente Brotherhood.

I previously shared my life-long fascination with images inspired by the enigmatic stone heads (moai) of Easter Island, and since then, I've encountered a few more. Last fall, in a post called Northwest Tiki, I detailed a visit to Seattle and Portland. While there, I paid a visit to Seattle's lowbrow art gallery, Roq La Rue, and saw an art show called Tiki Art Now. This moai lamp base is not listed in the program, however an employee of the gallery tells me it was made by Seattle artist John Hawkley.

A couple days later, we checked out Portland's vintage tiki restaurant and bar, The Alibi, where these moai-esque beauties light the way.

The Alibi also has this cool moai-inspired fountain.

Last October, I finally got to photograph a real Easter Island moai, although quite out of its original context.

The islanders of Rapa Nui apparently called this moai "Hoa Hakananai'a." The crew of the HMS Topaze, which collected it in 1868, thought the name meant "Stolen or Hidden Friend." It is now in the British Museum in London; read about it here.

The crew of the Topaze reported that the statue was originally painted red and white, but that the pigment was washed off by seawater during its transportation. There is a book available on the expedition called "Remote Possibilities: Hoa Hakananai'a and HMS Topaze on Rapa Nui."

I was particularly delighted in that this moai has inscriptions on the back, though they may have been added much after its creation.

According to the British Museum, "the back of the head shows a bird flanked by ceremonial paddles. The centre of the back is carved with a 'ring and girdle' motif, as carved on many wooden figures from Easter Island."

I'm curious about what appears to be a face - a moai face, at that - inscribed at the upper right.
There is nice commentary on the statue here and here. And in case you are wondering why I choose Easter to note moai stuff, Easter Island takes it's name from the fact that it was "discovered" by a Dutch ship on Easter day of 1722.

Before leaving London, I paid a visit to Trader Vic's, where I lusted over the moai-legged bowl at top in this photo, but its cost was 30 pounds. Since that'd have been about $60, I didn't bring one home.

Last month, I was able to shoot a better photograph than I had before of a moai statue at The Drift, a tiki bar in Scottsdale, AZ

As for bigger testaments to the public's one-time love and current subculture interest in the heads of Easter Island, I think the moai at Magic Carpet Golf in Tucson, AZ, is a grand statement.

According to Kelly, who has worked there for several years, the railing at top was installed after a 1968 suicide. She says a man jumped after his girlfriend broke up with him. There are so many things that could be said about that, but I'll leave it alone

A long stairway leads to the top.

You can even pause to look out the moai's nose.

This is the view north from the top of the moai. The course is for sale; however, local business community members tell me that the price being asked places the property in no immediate danger of sale.
(Update, February 5, 2008: Magic Carpet Golf has been sold to a car dealer and is closed. The future of its obstacles is in question.)

And finally, victory is mine! Or at least an Nth-generation Trader Vic's moai bowl is mine. I stopped into Scottsdale's Trader Vic's a bit over two weeks ago and made a deal for this bowl at $30 - half the cost of the one in London I'd regretted not getting.
Happy Easter to all of us! - See ya with another post tomorrow.
For more London stuff, see other posts from our An American Jackalope In London series:
More Easter Stuff - Easter Island moai (stone statue) in The British Museum
Good Friday - Crucifix tombstone in Highgate Cemetery and a crucifix at a church in London.
St Patrick's Day Megapost - Celtic crosses in London's Highgate Cemetery.
Red, Gold and Almost Gone - Includes photos of London's Chinatown.
Why Jackalopes Don't Play Soccer - Battered Buckyballs litter London.
Christmas Leftovers - An October shopping trip through Harrods, Selfridges and Hamley's, with lots of Christmas decor pictures.
Spamalot - We go to the Monty Python-based play and meet Tim Curry
London Trader Vic's - A visit to London's oldest tiki bar
Where is Ace Jackalope? (episode 13) - The game is afoot!
Werelopes of London - Lycanthopic jackalopes stalk places mentioned in the Warren Zevon song, plus a few pictures of the London Underground.
Dracula's London - A Halloween tribute to Bram Stoker using London locales implied in "Dracula"
Where is Ace Jackalope? (episode 9) - Mind the Gap
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